

       There was an old man in the Warring States Period, who was called the old frontiersman. He raised a lot of horses, one of which wandered away from the group one day. Hearing about this, the neighbors of this old man, came to comfort him saying that he was of venerable age and should mind his health by not being too upset about the loss of one horse. The old frontiersman said with a genial smile: "it's not a heavy loss, losing one horse, who knows but that this may be a blessing in disguise?"
        Hearing about this, his neighbors felt rather amused. The loss of a horse could never be considered a good thing, so his way of thinking was clearly him trying to console himself over the loss. However, several days later, the horse that wandered off returned, accompanied with another horse of very good quality.
        Upon hearing that the lost horse had come back, his neighbors were surprised at the old man's brilliant foresight. They congratulated him, saying that the initial loss of the horse was truly a blessing in disguise, that returned bearing unforeseen fruit.
        But the old man looked anxious, saying: "Gaining a fine horse without work may soon bring me misfortune".
        The neighbors thought that he was just being self-deceiving. He surely felt happy about gaining another horse, and was just saying nothing about it to seem modest. Now, this old man had a single son, who loved riding very much. His son took to riding this newly-arrived horse very happily, as the horse was clearly an excellent one, with a long body, big hoofs, with a neigh like a bell.
        Sadly, one day, he fell from the horse's back, and broke his leg. The neighbors once again came to the old man's house to console him.
        The old man once again just said: "Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise." The neighbors thought again that this was just the ravings of an old man, clearly there was no way for a broken leg to be a blessing.
        It was not long before the northern tribes started a big invasion of the border regions. A lot of young men were recruited into the army, but the old frontiersman's son didn't join in the fighting because he was crippled. Many of the young men in the army died, only the old man's son survived.